Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Necessary Diversion

I was supposed to go to a workshop on Canadian history & genealogy tonight.  It's a topic of interest to me because my great-grandparents were Canadian immigrants & I wrote my college thesis on my ancestor's migration from Scotland to Canada.

So I left work right at 5, drove the 45 minutes home, continued two exits south, and got off on the right road for the National Archives building.  All the while, though, I was a little sleepy & much less excited about the workshop than I should have been.  After I went the wrong way off the exit & had to turn around, I was pretty much done for the evening.  I called Justin to say "Should I go to this thing?  I just don't know."  His response?  "If you need someone to tell you it's ok not to go, I'm your man."

So home I went - to see him for a few minutes before he left to teach a class, then to enjoy time on the couch in my pjs, reading blogs & learning how to build raised beds for our planned garden this spring.  I love history & all, but this seemed a much better use of my evening!

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