Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Being a Grown-Up

Or, "Really? Am I really sending out sixty-one holiday cards?" ;)

Things I did today that made me feel entirely grown-up:

  1. Sent a million emails to friends and family about addresses for Christmas cards. I think I said, "Please give my love to your family and have a very Merry Christmas" about sixty times!
  2. Signed 135 holiday cards for the people who work for my company.
  3. Emailed three of my undergraduate professors, thanking them for writing recommendations for me & promising to let them know "when I hear something." (Scary!)
  4. Bought three Dr. Seuss books - two for the nephew & one for my boss' holiday party, where he & his wife are collecting children's books for "Reach Out & Read". I can't attend the party, but it's such a good cause - I felt I had to contribute anyway.
Things I did that made me feel just like a kid again:
  1. Snuck into my co-worker's office every five minutes to "accidentally" steal chocolates from his candy bowl.
  2. Giggled with joy at a road chock-full of Christmas-lit houses on the way to my student's house.
  3. Bought three Dr. Seuss books. :)

1 comment:

Pickle said...

I bought children's books this year (and not for myself for a change), and it made me feel so OLD! But then I saw a copy of Charlotte's Web on my way to the checkout - buying that made me feel more like myself again...