Friday, June 08, 2012


Long, busy day today (I didn't get lunch until 4:30pm!), but it was lovely to come home and find my three yellow pear tomato plants in a box on the porch.  Here they are recovering from their voyage and awaiting planting either this weekend or early next week!


Andrew said...

Babies! Babies! Babies! As of yet no tomatoes for me this year...I was sour grapes (sour tomatoes?) about them last time around. Plus F doesn't even like them...which makes a lot of crop for me to consume alone.

Stacey said...

You mean D doesn't like them? ;) Unless you're dating some gentleman named F . . .

We got a cherry tomato plant at Home Depot a couple of months ago that has 10+ fruits already and another baby plant that should give us some good big beefsteak ones. Plus, we always get some from the CSA. You can has some of ours. :)