Thursday, June 21, 2012


Y'all remember Edith, right?  Our shade garden toad?  Well, due to the move, the monkeys are staying with us for a couple of days.  I happened to mention to Thing 1 that we have a toad that lives in our shade garden and we named him Edith.  His six-year old brain started working then & there . . .

I came home from work tonight to find this - a present for Edith.  It has one cup for him/her to live in, one to store rocks, one to store food (flies), and one for his/her boyfriend/girlfriend to live in (they're marked accordingly, which you can see if you click on the photo to zoom).  I died with the cuteness!  We helped Thing 1 pick out a good place to put it so Edith could find it.  I freaking love kids.

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