Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Long Overdue Dating Update

I know, this has taken me forever to get to. I looked back & realized that I promised to write about my dating life back on February 27th. Not that I really thought that any of you were on the edge of your seats. ;) Anyways, here's the current update (complete with new nicknames!):

Who's Out:
The Pilot (finally): He's been persistent since we first met @ the end of October, but I finally realized last week that he's only interested in trying to hook up w/ me, not being a valid contender for the role of boyfriend.
The Mechanic: Pretty much his choice, but fine w/ me. He had told me he wasn't ready for exclusivity, anyway. "Gun-shy" was the phrase he used, I believe. Of course, I heard from the GSBB's brother that he's dating some girl in Maine, so guess he got over it. ;)
The "Long Distance Crush": Meh. The initial attraction, fanned into a crush through Facebook & a couple of consecutive parties, has faded. I think much of it had to do with the fact that he seemed such a lovely combination of a scholar & an outdoorsy guy. That's a knockout combo for me. :)
Navy Guy: Two dates, both of which went ok. However, at the end of the most recent date, I realized we're two very different people, with different outlooks on life. Like, for example, I don't call gay people "queers." (pause for effect) Yeah, I was pretty outraged, too. Bye-bye, Navy Guy!

Who's In:
D.B.(who needs a better nickname): Met him @ the beginning of the month. He's a friend of a friend (Married Art Teacher). Only 1 official date thus far, but it was fun & it scored me an invite to his 30th birthday party last Saturday. Things seems good thus far. I'm not drooling over him, but he's really funny & charming and finds me hilarious. Who can argue with that?
Sports Center: Remember the old friend from college who I "sparked" with on that weekend @ the Cape? Well, he made a business trip to Portsmouth last week & we had dinner @ MoJo's BBQ, then drinks @ the Brewery. It was a really fun night & we're just so damn comfortable with each other, having been friends for eight years. :) However, he lives in Burlington, VT, so I'm not sure where things are going to go from here. Stay tuned.
Super Trooper: Another friend of a friend (the GSBB). We actually met back in November & got along well, but he had a girlfriend @ the time. They broke up in January & he's been hinting to the GSBB & her friend that he's interested in me. We saw each other a few weeks ago, exchanged numbers, texted like crazy, and were supposed to have dinner last week. However, he bailed because he was hungover from St. Patty's. While I'm not that mad about it (it's St. Patty's Day! In New England!), I'm leaving it up to him to contact me to schedule the rain date. ;)

And finally, the "Oy Vey" category:"
The Ex: I know - why is he here? Caity & Eileen
already know this, but I saw him in Southie during the St. Patty's parade. After meeting up with him & his friends when my college friends bailed on me (thanks, guys!), I ended up walking him home because he was pretty drunk. One thing led to another & we may have kissed. No worries, though - we're not getting back together. I'm not really sure why it happened, but I know that much.

I love that I'm ending on that awkward note. ;) Night, all!


eileen said...

God, your dating life is so much more interesting that mine!
I need to get out more.

eileen said...

that = than