Friday, November 30, 2012

It's a Pup's World

I know I tend to post a lot of photos of the dogs, but come on . . . we have three of them.  They take up a lot of my time & attention.  And they are so. damn. cute.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Par for the Course

Yeah, no big deal - just looking at the grave of an Indian princess on a Monday afternoon . . . I love my job(s).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holiday Week

Some images from our Thanksgiving week:

Practicing my Thanksgiving table . . .  

The puppies resting up for the holiday.

Homemade cranberry sauce bubbling away.  Last year was the first time I did this and it really is very simple and tastes so good.  I'll never eat canned sauce again!

It was "birthsgiving" at our house, as my mother's birthday was the day before Thanksgiving, so we celebrated both on Thursday.

Working in my garden house office on Friday morning - first time!

Our spatchcocked turkey.  Cooked fully in under two hours!

A Mayflower beer cap on top of my burlap runner, with a hint of golden pine needle.  Artsy!

Two of the puppies snoozing under the table during Saturday's Thanksgiving brunch.

A little Charlie Brown tree for the side door from this place.

Big ass wreath for the garden house door.

And our tree!  Here we go into the Christmas season!


I'll post some photos from our Thanksgiving weekend soon, but wanted to post this shot now.  Right now, it's 37 degrees outside and 62 in my garden house.  I'm working away on the fall newsletter for one of my museums.  This crazy experiment just might work!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Running Out of Shed Puns . . .

And just in time, too, as the garden house is all painted and I started to furnish it today!  I can't tell you how exciting it was to move some damn furniture in already.  I started clearing the space out on August 18th, so it's been a few months now that I've been plugging away on this project when the free time came along.  As with most DIY projects, it took longer than expected, but I'm just so glad it's done and it looks awesome!

I'm not quite done tweaking and hanging wall art & shelves yet.  I'm sure I will lovingly & obsessively photograph the details then, but wanted to share some before & afters now.  The shooting angles aren't all exactly the same, but whatever.  A vacuum, white paint, and some furniture has made a huge difference!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So it turns out that I take an awful lot of pictures, even when I'm not doing a 365 project.  And then I instagram them.  Below are 32 images I've taken since October 19th (and that's not even all of them).  I made them small & gridded here to make this post less overwhelming, but feel free to click on any of them to make them bigger.  I get a kick out of how typically "me" the images taken together are - a lot of dogs, old houses, and fall leaves.