Monday, December 14, 2009

John Hughes Marathon

Justin and I are four years apart. Most of the time, that's not a majorly discernable difference. However, sometimes we realize that we heard a song or saw a movie or experienced something at vastly different times in our lives.

Take, for example, the Chuck E Cheese animatronic band. My main Chuck E Cheese party-going days were in the late 1980s, while his jumped the decade line and were in the early '90s. I'm not sure when Chuck E Cheese added animatronic bands to their restaurants, but I definitely don't remember them from my childhood days there. Thus, when Justin mentioned the weird animatronic bands offhandedly, I had no idea what he was talking about and it sparked a heated discussion which ended with us realizing there would be times when this would happen.

In the example that sparked this post, Justin has not seen most John Hughes movies, a fact which surprised even his mother when I told her on Thanksgiving. He has seen Ferris Bueller and Weird Science, though. When I first found out, I added a number of Hughes classics to our Netflix queue and commenced our "John Hughes Marathon!" This weekend, we ticked off Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club. And Pretty in Pink is on the way! Huzzah!


Sarah said...

Fun Fact: Adam's grandfather was the designer/creator of the Chuck E Cheese mouse!

Stacey said...

That's a fantastically fun fact! When you were first dating, how in the world did that come up? :)

Stacey said...

And does the family get royalties???

Sarah said...

It came up because he has the original drawing of the mouse framed! I dont think they get any royalties though.