Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well, someone has a lot on her mind today.  I was going a little nuts this evening (& talking poor Justin's ear off), so I took some time to put together a virtual cork board for everything that's on my mind at the moment.  It's a different take on a "photo of the day," but it works for me right now.

I could go on about each image/idea for days, but here's a more succinct explanation (going clockwise, starting at the top left corner):
  • Baby chicks!  (Photo from Cold Antler Farm!)  Because we eventually want backyard chickens!
  • A black lab!  Because black labs are adorable and while we love Miss Sadie, one can never have enough cute dogs!  (Photo from here)
  • Sherry from Young House Love painting trim in her living room!  Because we/I are/am currently obsessed with interior design & home DIY!  And because we've already painted two rooms in this house and we have more on the docket!
  • A PhD from the University of Edinburgh!  Because I freaking love Edinburgh and always wanted to go back to live and I love history and I never said I wasn't going to go back for my PhD in it!
  • A gorgeous, creative crib set-up (from here)!  Because part of my nesting kick involves tentative daydreams about furnishing a nursery and, you know, for-real-reals nesting!
  • An APPLARO patio set from IKEA!  Because I've been dreaming about slapping a deck on this house for over a year now!
Hmmm - one might look at this inspiration board and say, "One of these things is not like the other."  And I get it, I do.  Everything but the doctoral degree from a Scottish university can happen right here in this house, in due time.  But because all of these things pull me in similar ways, they all combine & recombine in my head in logical, beautiful ways.  Off to Scotland for 3 years and a PhD, then home to build a homestead & care for small creatures.  Makes perfect sense, right?

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