Sunday, October 24, 2010


I took the dog for a walk tonight, about 3 hours ago. The night was oddly lit, as the clouds covered the moon, but there was a strange orangey pink glow in the sky. We're walking along, perfectly normal nighttime walk, all well in the neighborhood. Sadie stops to do her business and we both hear a rustle in the trees across the street. Scares the crap (literally) out of the dog. I remain slightly calmer.

We walk on and somehow the time of year & the atmosphere of the night conspire to turn things spooky. I keep thinking I hear someone behind us and every shadow takes on a sinister overtone. It gets to the point where I'm thinking, "OK, I have on sneakers & a jacket with deep pockets, so my phone & keys won't fall out if I have to run. Sadie's fast and I was an All New England track star, so we'll be fine." Then, just when I'm completely spooked out, I hear an owl hoot somewhere off in the trees. An owl! Is that out of central casting or what?

Somehow the absurdity of an owl actually hooting in the distance on a creepy night breaks the spell. I chuckle to myself and we make our way home, unscathed.

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