Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Word Clouds in the Forecast

My lovely & talented friend K. recently turned me on to this website: Wordle. You cut & paste either text or the URL of another website and Wordle turns it all into a word cloud, with the most common words shown as largest. (The Boy of course already knew about things like this, since he's a linguistics dude.) It's kind of the awesomest thing ever.

She got married last year, so she plugged in the text of her wedding ceremony. And lo and behold - the three most common words were her name, her wife's name, and the word "love." Really shows their priorities, huh?

I started off by popping in the text of my resume (above, click to biggify).
The biggest/most common words appear to be historical, exhibit, research, assistant, and new. Not bad for an emerging museum professional! So go on - you know you want to. Go play with it yourself!

1 comment:

LawVixen said...

that's me! i love getting shouted out. and yours is freaking cool.