Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Bit Late . . .

but wanted to take a quick moment to praise the New Hampshire legislature for passing a June 3rd bill approving same-sex marriage. You can read a NY Times article about it here.

This topic's been on my mind particularly in the last couple of years as a dear friend married the love of her life last summer & as I prepare for my own wedding next year. I just never did understand why same-sex marriage somehow threatens the institution of heterosexual marriage. If anything, having more loving, committed couples willing to take the plunge into the scary sea of life-long monogamy seems like it would do nothing but strengthen the aforementioned institution.


LawVixen said...

oooh! that's me :)

Go NH!

Andrew said...

"There are rough winds coming from the East. And even ROUGHER winds coming from the West.

And before long...the winds will be blowing each other."

Andrew said...

OH! And this, which should be nominated for a Tony.