Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maybe if a celebrity says it, people will start listening.

Matt Damon, I may not love all of your movies, but thank you for using your stage (one that most of us don't have) to say what needs to be said:

(And thanks to Tart for posting it first)

Might I add that on today, of all days, it's important for us as a nation to reflect and consider what the best course for the next four years might be? At a time when the confident, but humble diplomacy of a Benjamin Franklin or a Winston Churchill is needed, a hockey mom from Alaska is not what I'm looking for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I don't generally agree with celebs using their status for a political platform. Oprah, fair enough--if they're just involved in a candidate's campaign, that's fine. She doesn't use her show as a daily endorsement for Obama. But remember how Rosie was when Gore was running? Nothing against Gore, but her constantly talking him up and being so opinionated really annoyed me...

All that aside, well said, Matt Damon! And you're hot to trot, swoon!