Sunday, August 03, 2008

Snippet from a Charlottetown Saturday Night

Here's the text (much abridged) of a conversation I had last night while out at a bar:

Guy @ Bar: Where are you from?

Me: Boston, but I'm on PEI every summer.

Guy: I work near Boston sometimes. blah blah blah.

Me: Oh, neat. blah blah blah.

Guy: You're really pretty.

Me: Um, thanks. Is that a wedding ring?

Guy: Yeah, can I buy you a beer?

Me: Um, I think it's past last call. Where's your wife?

Guy: Home in Ottawa. Want to dance?

Me: I just don’t feel comfortable dancing with a married man.

Guy: Just asking you to dance – not asking you to marry me.

Me: You couldn’t! You’re already married!

Me, to a friend ten minutes later: “When you’re getting hit on by married men, it’s time to go home.”


Anonymous said...

“When you’re getting hit on by married men, it’s time to go home.”

Yup, it is.

Oh, how I want to visit PEI. Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe have forever romanticized it for me.

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious!

Stacey said...

Oh, I agree, BEG. Despite having gone to the Island all my life & having dear friends there who are real people (warts & all), I always keep expecting my Gilbert to show up at our cottage door. ;)

Stacey said...

Thanks, MAT. Glad you finally embraced your blog nickname. ;)