Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble, Gobble

I'm off to the lake house this evening to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents, sister & brother-in-law, nephews, and 2 pups. And we hope to have a noon Skype chat with my husband from afar. :) Wherever you are tomorrow, hope you have a lovely day, filled with warmth, food, and laughter. Oh, and be sure to click on that picture of the bagpipe-playing turkey above - you'll be glad you did.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Predictable . . .

Now that much of my grandparents' furniture has been shifted around within this house, moved to another family house, sold, or given away, I have room to think about bringing new pieces of our own selection into the house. Below are some of the items I was coveting last night.

(Etsy listing here)

You can pretty much divine our decorating aesthetic from these three pieces. It goes something like this: maps, wood, brown leather. I think I would have been at home in Hemingway's writing studio in Cuba. :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Link Dump

I have a few partially drafted posts that have been sitting around for a few weeks now. And they're mostly just links to things that I enjoyed on the interwebs. Thought I'd consolidate them into one post & throw you some links here!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ahhhhhhhh weekend

How the heck did it get to be Tuesday already??? I sat down on Sunday afternoon to write a short post about the lovely afternoon and evening Sadie & I spent with my friends & their dog. Then I got distracted and saved the post as a draft. And now it's Tuesday. Oh well.

The shot above is from Castle Island in South Boston. We took the pups for a walk around the loop, then they "highjacked" the rest of my evening and fed me dinner & wine until the safest course was sleeping over (rather than driving home). Lovely. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our Trip to La Crosse, WI

That title contains words I never thought I'd type. ;) I've been to Wisconsin before, mind you, but it was a church youth group trip to a youth center in Green Bay eons ago - and I don't recall much choice in the matter. Not that I had much on this one, either. Husband was on a short leave before heading to much warmer & further climes (somewhere in the Middle East - I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you). Ergo, Wife must travel to wherever he be.

And in the end, it wasn't bad. I booked us a suite in a wonderful B&B called the Bentley-Wheeler. The owners were kind & thoughtful, brought us amazing breakfast baskets in the morning, gave us restaurant recommendations, and otherwise just left us alone to be "the couple spending time together before the husband deploys." Bless them for that.

And for the bargain basement price of $135/night, we stayed in the most amazing suite I've ever seen. It was a 3rd floor ballroom that was converted to a suite with massive living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, porch, and CHURCH ORGAN! The fuzzy video below was taken on my phone, but it gives a sense of the joint. If you turn your volume way up, you might be able to hear my narration in the background.

The view from the porch

On the 4th day, due to a booking error, we had to move downstairs to the normal-sized guest suite. However, it was no dump either & the owners waived that night's room charge due to the mix-up. Note: my husband has on athletic shorts in the above photo, thought it does not look that way.

Lovely room!

We spent an indecent amount of time napping, eating, and shopping at the market down the street. It was lovely to see my husband after nearly 2 months apart, and heartbreaking to say goodbye to him again. With luck, I'll be seeing him sometime in the spring on his 2-week, mid-deployment leave. We're meeting in the middle in Scotland! And that's the cheerful thought I'll take us out on . . .

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Just before the beginning . . .

I'm back! I had a nice time in Wisconsin visiting Justin & will write a post soon about our trip. However, thinking about my husband and our relationship (which is rather long-distance right now!), I wanted to share this post that I wrote back in April of 2008. If any of you know Justin, pay careful attention to the way I describe my Mr. Right. I met Justin about a month later. :)

Monday, November 01, 2010

See you next week!

No posts this week, as I'll be in Wisconsin visiting Justin before he deploys to the Middle East. I'll leave you with this great photo of my sweet monkey nephews trick or treating to tide you over. Catch you next week!