Thursday, June 23, 2011


Guess who I got to hear speak tonight at the Portsmouth Music Hall?  Give ya 3 guesses . . . Gaiman was brilliant (natch) and it was a lovely time.  He also had many, many awesome quotable quotes, but these few spring to mind:
  • "I have writer's block.  Leave me alone.  I have to drink tea and contemplate the infinite."
  • "When I was a kid, I had this book called 'Dalek World' and I learned that Daleks can't see red . . . but there are red Daleks! . . . I always worried about them."
  • "I have this box, mentally as well as physically actually, where I'm always putting stuff for American Gods #2."  !!!
Please to enjoy the crappy phone pictures taken from my restricted view balcony seat.

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