I came on to tell you that we've moved! We are officially into the new house. House, not apartment. I have to get used to this "house" thing, having not lived in one since . . . maybe 2004? Well, I guess that excludes the 5 months that J and I lived with his 3 friends in a massive duplex with 5 other college kids on the other side of the wall. This, though, is our house.
Well, it was my grandparents' house, but we're working on making it ours. It's very messy right now, though. Case in point - my sister & brother-in-law, lovely folks that they are, stopped in the other day to let the pup out for a pee, as we had to be out most of the day. I texted her, "how did you like the "new" house?" Her response? "Loved the kitchen table, then saw a lot of boxes." ;)
Anyway, we're here. We'll likely be here until we have gray hair and our kids are in college (or older). And that's nice.