Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I'm Back!

And I've written over 600 posts!

OK, one thing at a time. I got home very early Sunday morning.
Had a wonderful time on vacation, but happy to be back for a bit. The Boy will sleep at home tomorrow night for the first time in two weeks & it will be good to have him back!

As you probably noticed, I did
not have any internet connection on vacation & therefore did not post at all. However, before I left, I noticed that between the three blogs I own, I have written over 600 posts in the 3.5 years that I've been doing this. Crazy. I think the break-down went something like this: Hodoeporicon - 547 (now 548), Museophilia - 70, and Wer Ond Wif - 21. You can tell which one I've had the longest, huh?

Will post some vacation photos soon!

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