Sunday, August 16, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately. Life's been a little hectic. I know, that's the lame apology of every procrastinatory blogger ever. However, I just finished my last week of running a summer camp for very active elementary schoolers. I'm also training for a new job, actively seeking another part-time position, and keeping up with the wedding planning.

And then last week, we got some very bad family news. My grandmother (dad's mother) has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. It's spread to the lymph nodes and the outlook is not good. So I may be around in the next week or so, but I also need to take mental time away to be with the family & think about things. Hopefully, I'll be back by the end of the week, though, as the blog affords me a chance to get things out in writing which I don't get anywhere else.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I'm Back!

And I've written over 600 posts!

OK, one thing at a time. I got home very early Sunday morning.
Had a wonderful time on vacation, but happy to be back for a bit. The Boy will sleep at home tomorrow night for the first time in two weeks & it will be good to have him back!

As you probably noticed, I did
not have any internet connection on vacation & therefore did not post at all. However, before I left, I noticed that between the three blogs I own, I have written over 600 posts in the 3.5 years that I've been doing this. Crazy. I think the break-down went something like this: Hodoeporicon - 547 (now 548), Museophilia - 70, and Wer Ond Wif - 21. You can tell which one I've had the longest, huh?

Will post some vacation photos soon!