Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ideological Shift

I just renamed one of my most used email groups on Gmail. Two minutes ago, it was called "Anti-McCain/Palin." Now, it's "Pro-Obama." A minor shift, perhaps, but an important one ideologically and reflective of where my head is concerning the Presidential race at the moment.

As the McCain camp turns to increasingly more dirty ploys & negative tactics, I'd like to shift my own focus to what the average liberal can do to get Obama elected. As justified as it is, my anger over McCain's appointment of Palin as his running mate & his dismissal of the pro-choice movement doesn't feel like it's going to get that done.

Starting now, I'm going to spend more time learning more about Obama & disseminating that information to both like-minded individuals and swing voters. And less time bitching about the Republican party, which I already know is batshit crazy. ;)

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