Monday, June 16, 2014

Eleanor, Week 5

Well, I think she's cute in all of these weekly pictures, but they're not all going to be open eyed and smiley.  :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Eleanor, Week 4 and Month 1

Just to make things more complicated, I've added a monthly photo to this grand plan for Eleanor's first year. In addition to the weekly photos (week #4 is below), we're going to try to do a family photo every month on the 8th in a cool location. Month 1 is below!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Eleanor, Weeks 2 & 3

Here are photos of baby girl on her second and third week anniversaries (of being out of the womb, I guess?).  You can probably tell from them that she's quite the card already!