Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2013, Week #21

Here are my photos from May 20-26:

Museum silhouettes on a rainy day.

Two of our 17th century houses - one authentic, one reproduction - ready for tours to start for the season.

We got us a baby lilac!

Cactus flower. This guy almost died last spring but some time on the kitchen windowsill revived him.

Morning puppy paws.

Snugglin' on a rainy drive to the lake.

Sunny, windy, and cold at the lake on Saturday. And snow (!) at elevation.

Birthday celebrations (for the one on the far left & far right).

Monday, May 20, 2013

2013, Week #20

Here are my photos from May 13-19.  :)


Yellow & white breakfast.


New office betta! As yet unnamed.

Tour guide training at the 1677 house!

Sigh.  :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013, Week #19

So behind on posting these, but here are my photos from May 6-12.  Enjoy!

May backyard ...sigh.

Second out-the-window pic of the day!

My fur babies.

Jeez, someone's excited about her Mothers Day present.

Family.  :)
Nah, I don't think she liked her early birthday present.

Mother's Day brunch for dinner! Why am I smiling so weirdly?

Monday, May 06, 2013

2013, Week #18

Here are my images from April 29-May 5.  The weather finally started to warm up, so this week had a lot of outdoorsy photos.  I also got to spend the entire weekend nesting at home and not working (for once).  Enjoy!

Blue Bells in the yard at home . . . 

and Blue Bells in the 17th century garden at work.

Lunch in the North Courtyard!

The copper beech tree.

Lovely bleeding hearts heralding spring (with a little bit of dead leafed fall below there).

Unfurling . . .

One of my pretty historic houses in the afternoon sunlight.

Sharing my Saturday morning porch bench with a Beorn.

Hammock & cocktails on a Saturday evening - welcome, spring!

Sunlight in an open window and a puppy lounging on the lawn. This is what we wait all winter for.

The patio might not be quite ready, but this outdoor couch hotness is!