First of all, thank you, ladies. I appreciate you all taking a few minutes to respond to what I'd written & help boost my ego a bit. ;)
Sarah - I agree that Nick, or whoever, should love me for all of the crazy women I embody. Thanks for reminding me. I think I am looking for closure with the convo. And I would love for you to meet us for a tini or two on Friday night! Also, your later comment was amazing. I completely agree with you, but I don't think I've ever heard someone "meowing" Gilbert Blythe! ;)
Jenny - Thanks for the reminder to be myself! I usually have no trouble with that, but you know how a break-up can sometimes make you doubt yourself? I'm really just talking to Nick next week to 1.) get a book back that I lent him, and 2.) reassure myself that I did what I could, without compromising myself, to make things work. And yes, tinis galore on Friday! Where do you want to go?
Kate - You've been an absolute dear throughout this tough month. Thank you for your insight & your support. There are few people with whom I can be totally honest & you're one of them. :) And yes, I really do want Gilbert Blythe. What woman doesn't (as Sarah helped prove)?
Caity - Thanks for the agreement! We're totally on for drinks on Friday. I really liked your idea from the other week - somewhere near the waterfront. Any thoughts?
Rach - Thanks for the blog reading & first-time commenting. I nearly died of shock! (She's been my best friend for nearly 11 years, everyone, and this was her first blog comment. Let's give her a round of applause!)
(UPDATED: After all the sighing over Gilbert Blythe, I had to add a photo of he & Anne kissing!) ;)
clap, clap.
Gilbert Blythe...*drool*
Love him, love the books, and love the movie.
And I agree with the ladies - you should not, under any circumstance, change who you are to keep a man (or to get one).
If Nick can't realize how great you are, he's not worth it. You'll find someone better :)
Indeed. Keep yourself. Keep your integrity. But by all means talk.
And keep your friends close for tinis if it doesn't go quite as you hope.
I've been there. I know how hard it is when you think they're it and then they turn out not to be. It's hard. But worth it. Because hindsight tells me that what I thought was undeniably true, isn't true now.
Chin up hon.
Thanks, DQ, Miss B, and LG. :)
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